Voodoo Cold Brew Concentrate Truffles (YUM!)

Voodoo Cold Brew Concentrate Truffles (YUM!)

We love our cold brew concentrate in a cask, it has a kind of fun vintage vibe while being super functional! Store it in the fridge for an icy addition to any coffee-style cocktail or your fave summer beverage. The great thing is you can even use our cold brew concentrate in a crazy range of baked goodies! 

As Christmas is around the corner, we were thinking of something you could whip up as a decadent present for friends and family. Nothing beats chocolate, unless it's coffee of course, so why not combine the two; which is what we did! Here's our recipe for Chocolate and Coffee Truffles. And if you happen to eat half yourself, we won't dob! 

Voodoo Cold Brew Concentrate Truffles

  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa 
  • 500g chocolate (choose bittersweet, milk, dark - it's all up to you!)
  • 2 tablespoons Voodoo Cold Brew Concentrate 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

Method to your madness:

  1. Grab a large saucepan and heat the cream and 1 teaspoon of coco over a medium heat, stirring now and then, until bubbles appear at the edges. 
  2. Remove from heat and add your chocolate, stir until smooth, silky and delish. 
  3. Add the Voodoo Cold Brew Concentrate with vanilla extract and combine. Lick the bowl.
  4. Pour into a shallow bowl, cover loosely and pop in the fridge until firm (4 hours or overnight). 
  5. Using a little scoop or a sturdy teaspoon, drop 2cm balls onto baking paper lined tray and pop back into the fridge for about 15 mins.
  6. Roll balls in cocoa powder, then, yep you guessed it, back into the fridge. Bring to room temperature before serving. 

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